Webinar Invitation: Introduction to music Braille transcription using the Sao Mai Braille software for blind musicians and transcribers

Date and time:

Thursday 17 March 2022, 10:00-11:30 UTC.

We are happy to announce our upcoming webinar, introducing the Braille translation features of Sao Mai Braille (SMB) software, with a special focus on music Braille transcription. The tool is designed for use by blind musicians as well as transcribers.


This webinar is jointly organized by Sao Mai Center for the Blind and the DAISY Music Braille project (which is funding the music Braille development).


Please complete the registration form at: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_D8Le0FHRQr6IcrT1Oovo3w

to register for the webinar and to receive joining instructions. If you have any registration problems, please email us at: support@saomaicenter.org

Overview of event:

Participants will get a quick tour of the main Braille translation features of SMB, with a more detailed demonstration of how to transcribe music scores into Braille using SMB. In addition, in the Q&A session we will be able to answer your specific questions about the translation tool.

In order to easily follow and come up with real questions, we suggest you to download, install SMB and get used to it before joining the webinar.


  • Dr. Sarah Morley Wilkins (DAISY Music Braille Project Manager),
  • Mr. Hu Haipeng (Technical Consultant of the DAISY Music Braille project), and
  • Mr. Phúc Hoai Dang (SMB development team lead from Sao Mai Center for the Blind).

Please help circulate the announcement to your network, especially to people who are working in music Braille translation.

Many thanks and we look forward to meeting you in the webinar.


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