SM Myanmar TTS Updates: Android version is now released!

Sao Mai is happy to announce the release of Android text-to-speech engine for Burmese language named SM Myanmar TTS. We are thankful for the collaboration of VNSpeak team, Myanmar Assistive Technology Research and Development Center and language specialist Dr. Win Pa Pa from Yangon University of Computer Studies, who have worked with Sao Mai Center for the Blind to implement this project. We also would like to express our sincere thanks to the project sponsors: the International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI), the Overbrook-Nippon Network of Educational Technology (ON-NET) and The Nippon Foundation (TNF).

SM Myanmar TTS's logo
SM Myanmar TTS's logo


Screenshots of SM Myanmar TTS for Android
Screenshots of SM Myanmar TTS for Android

At the end of 2018, we already released the Burmese TTS engine on Windows platform; and today, with the Android version, we hope to bring more equal opportunities for visually impaired people in Myanmar to access to education, employment and independently manage daily living activities. More info about the TTS engine can be viewed at SM Myanmar TTS - Apps on Google Play.


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