We are happy to release Sao Mai Braille 21.6 Alpha version!
Download it from Sao Mai Braille page.
Note, please uninstall old version before install new SMB.
Below are main highlights of this release:
New features
- Used LibLouis library 3.18.
- Native *.docx Word file editing. No longer using Office Converter third-party dependency.
- New SM LibMusicBraille library for Braille music translation with main features:
- Supported bar-over-bar and line-over-line formats. Braille music output is currently supported in Unicode only.
- Translated score with lyrics and chords. Lyrics can be selected to translate with LibLouis Braille translation tables.
- Supported plucked instruments with alignment and inline formatting methods.
- Note grouping.
- Doubling for articulations, noteheads, tremolos, tuplets, grace/cue notes etc.
- Translated most notations from chapter 1-23 of the MBC document.
- Options to toggle translation for different musical elements.
- Supported to arrange Braille sign order.
- Used music profiles to manage custom translation options.
- And many other fixes and improvements.
- New options dialogue design.
- Improved score info dialogue.
Known issues
- Page breaks as converting document with music score to BRF is not correct.
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