Training Workshop on Production of Accessible EPUB and DAISY Files with Advanced Features

From 23rd to 26th, July, 2018, Sao Mai Center organized a training workshop on "Production of Accessible EPUB and DAISY Files with Advanced Features".

This workshop focused on using epub3 to produce accessible math and science materials. There were 9 participants who were teachers/staff involved in producing materials for the visually impaired from Sao Mai Center, Nhat Hong Center for the Blind, Thien An Shelter and the HCMC General Sciences Library.

The workshop was held at Sao Mai Center


The instructors


Mr. Prashant was instructing


There were 9 participants

Under the instruction of Mr. Prashant Ranjan Verma from the DAISY Consortium and Ms. Mayu Makio Hamada from ATDO, the participants practiced producing accessible materials in different formats from text-only ebooks, audio books, to books with text and audio synchronized. They also experienced various software products on PC and mobile devices. Some of the products introduced were Adobe Digital Reader, Dolphin Easy Reader, VitalSource Bookshelf, Chatty Infty and Tobi, etc. In addition, Mr. Dang Hoai Phuc, Sao Mai's Executive Director, demonstrated the Sao Mai Braille translation software, which is our new tool for producing Braille materials.

Mr. Hoang from the General Sciences Library was practicing using Obi.


Mr. Tuan from Nhat Hong Center was working on a math document with the help of Ms. Mayu


Mr. Phuc was demonstrating Sao Mai Braille to the participants

In the last session of the training, the participants worked in groups and presented their products to share their experience, discuss the problems and find out the solutions.

The participants were presenting and discussing


The last session



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