2nd Computer Training Course - Hue, 24th June, 2024

Continuing the success of the first computer training course held at the beginning of May, on June 24, Thua Thien Hue Blind Association, with the support of Sao Mai for the Blind, implemented the second training course in the project series “Advancing disability-inclusive development through catalysing digital inclusion for persons with disabilities in Asia and the Pacific”.


This computer training course targeted fifteen visually impaired students currently residing and studying in Thua Thien Hue province. Their youthfulness and eagerness to learn made the classroom atmosphere extremely lively.

One of the trainees shared: “I am very happy to attend such a useful training during this summer break.” The training not only provided an opportunity for the participants to exchange their computer knowledge but also allowed them to receive answers to their computer-related questions from very dedicated teachers.

2nd Computer Training Course

Training Contents:

This training focused on key IT skills that serve the participants' study needs. Contents such as basic and advanced operations in Microsoft Word, professional use of Gmail, working with Google applications and effective information searching on the Internet were reasonably distributed over the five days of the course.

The highlight of this training was the introduction and application of AI (artificial intelligence) in information searching. This was also the most anticipated content by all participants. Teacher Nguyen Viet Thuong shared: “I am very happy to receive many questions related to the topic of AI from the trainees, showing their great interest in this topic.” He also analyzed the benefits of artificial intelligence and the consequences of overusing it.

Viet Thuong Nguyen givings instruction to participants

Course Summary:

At the end of the training course, the two teachers organized a small competition called “Professional in Every Email” to connect the participants. Additionally, the students had the opportunity to review the lessons they learned as well as share their feedback about the training.

At the end of the competition, the organizers received very positive feedback about the training as well as the participants' wishes. This valuable data will be used by the Sao Mai and the Association as a reference for future training plans.

Course Summary


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2nd Computer Training Course - Hue, 24th June, 2024