The Ideal Bartender

The Ideal Bartender

The Ideal Bartender

Author : Tom Bullock
Subject: Other subjects
Category: Reference - Research
Format: Braille All Contractions, Daisy Text, Epub

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Publisher unknown
Accessible book producer Public domain
Published year 2004
Coppy right Unknown


            I have known the author of "The Ideal Bartender" for many years, and it is a genuine privilege to be permitted to testify to his qualifications for such a work.

            To his many friends in St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago and elsewhere, my word will be superfluous, but to those who do not know him, and who are to be the gainers by following his advices, it may prove at the very beginning a stimulus to know something of his record of achievement.

            For the past quarter of a century he has refreshed and delighted the members and their friends of the Pendennis Club of Louisville and the St. Louis Country Club of St. Louis. In all that time I doubt if he has erred in even one of his concoctions. Thus if there is "many a slip twixt the cup and the lip" it has been none of his doing, but rather the fault of those who have appreciated his art too highly. But why go on! His work is before you. It is the best to be had. Follow on, and as you sip the nectar of his schemings tell your friends, to the end that both they and he may be benefitted.

            G.H. WALKER.