The Orchestral Conductor: Theory of His Art

The Orchestral Conductor: Theory of His Art

The Orchestral Conductor: Theory of His Art

Author : Hector Berlioz
Subject: Foreign Language
Category: Reference - Research
Format: Braille All Contractions, Daisy Text, Epub

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Accessible book producer Public domain
Published year 2008
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Music appears to be the most exacting of all the Arts, the cultivation of which presents the greatest difficulties, for a consummate interpretation of a musical work so as to permit an appreciation of its real value, a clear view of its physiognomy, or discernment of its real meaning and true character, is only achieved in relatively few cases. Of creative artists, the composer is almost the only one who is dependent upon a multitude of intermediate agents between the public and himself; intermediate agents, either intelligent or stupid, devoted or hostile, active or inert, capable—from first to last—of contributing to the brilliancy of his work, or of disfiguring it, misrepresenting it, and even destroying it completely.