Webinar recording: Introducing MuseScore accessibility for blind musicians (includes SMB demos)

Posted on Thu, 02/29/2024 - 08:12

The MuseScore Editor is an easy-to-use application that helps musicians to learn, create, and edit musical notation. The Editor is an open
source desktop software application which supports more than 50 languages and is available for PC, Mac and Linux. If you use Braille music, or if you enjoy
composing music, then you'll want to learn about some of the recent enhancements in the MuseScore application which allow accessing and composing music
while using a refreshable Braille display, and using six-key entry to input musical notes using the Braille music code. We're delighted to be joined for
this session by Peter Jonas, who is a developer at MuseScore, and who has been instrumental in driving the accessibility of this application. (Sarah Morley
Wilkins makes a guest appearance in the middle, describing this work in the context of the DAISY Music Braille Project strategic interventions).


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