Things Mother Used To Make

Things Mother Used To Make

Things Mother Used To Make

Subject: Other subjects
Category: Reference - Research
Format: Braille All Contractions, Daisy Text, Epub

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Publisher unknown
Accessible book producer Public domain
Published year 2012
Coppy right Unknown

The Things Mother Used To Make consist of old fashioned recipes, which have been for the most part handed down by word of mouth from one generation to another, extending over a period of nearly one hundred years. The author, a New England woman, has during her life tested out in her own kitchen the greater part of these recipes, which represent the best cookery of those times.

            This material was originally published in Suburban Life, where it obtained such recognition as seemed to warrant its preservation in book form. The original material has accordingly been amplified, and it is here presented as one of the volumes in the series of Countryside Manuals.