Instructions for Using SMB Online Music Braille Converter

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Who is this tool for?

The music braille converter part of Sao Mai Braille (SMB) is available online for:

  • MusicXML to music braille conversions.
  • Users on platforms other than Windows, such as Mac and Linux.
  • Staff who are not permitted to download/install software onto work computers.

The online version gives you many of the same features as the music braille converter in the full Windows desktop version. You can adjust the same music braille settings and create, manage, and load profiles for translating different types of music, but there are some differences between the SMB Online Music Braille Converter and the Windows full SMB braille converter.

The limitations and differences:

  1. You can only upload files with a maximum size of 2 MB to convert using the SMB online version. Files over this size should be compressed into a single file under 2 MB. However, the desktop version has no limit for MusicXML file size.
    Both the online and desktop versions accept the MusicXML file extensions ".musicxml" and ".XML" for uncompressed files and ".mxl" for compressed ones.
  2. Only pure MusicXML files can be converted in the online version (though lyrics and musical directions are included in MusicXML files so will be converted successfully). Only the Windows full desktop version is capable of converting files with mixed music and other kinds of texts, e.g., literary, science, math, images, and music.
  3. You have a limited choice of translation Settings profiles in the online version, and you need to set these each time you do a conversion in the online tool - unless you register for a (free) Transcriber Member account, which then saves your preferences and allows you to save customized profiles for future conversions. The desktop version automatically remembers your preferences and permits customized profiles.
  4. You have fewer options in the Score Info dialog in the online version. The online version does not analyze the MusicXML file to give you score-specific options in the Score Info dialog, but it uses SMB’s default settings to give the best possible result for the score you convert. In the desktop version, SMB analyzes your MusicXML score prior to conversion and offers more options - for example: you can set different translation tables for specific lyrics, edit instrument types, edit braille part names, edit the abbreviations for individual parts in an ensemble score, and define the starting print page number and measure numbers.

Translate MusicXML using SMB online music braille converter:

  1. Go to SMB online music braille converter.
  2. Browse for a MusicXML score file.
  3. Select all parts or a part number to convert from the drop-down list, or specify part numbers in the edit field.
  4. Choose a music profile for the type of music you’re converting.
    You can also customize settings of any Profile using the drop-down lists under ‘Conversion settings’.
    Saved Custom Profiles are only shown to users signed in as a ‘Transcriber Member’ (see below).
  5. Select the "Translate into Braille" button to convert the selected MusicXML file into music braille. You will get confirmation when it is complete.
  6. Braille result: the converted braille is shown in an edit field under "Braille result" heading.
  7. Under "Download file" section, you can choose between txt and brf file extension, then activate the "Download file" button to save the Braille score file to your device.


Apply for a Transcriber Member account (Free):


Create, save, and select from custom Settings Profiles by applying to be a ‘Transcriber Member’. This means that in addition to using the common Settings Profiles, you can set up, save, and choose different custom Settings Profiles to suit your organization or user preferences, for example.

To apply:

  1. Register an account. If you already registered, skip to the next step.
  2. Make a request to upgrade to the Transcriber Member role by completing this Upgrade Account form. Please note, you must sign in to access this form either via the provided link or find it on the "User menu".
  3. Wait for us to approve, and you should get an email update within 48 hours. If you don’t hear from us, please email us at:

Manage Settings Profile:

Once approved as a Transcriber Member…

  1. Go to the Settings Profile page.
  2. You’ll find a list of customizable profiles for your account. Below this, you’ll find the braille transcription option groups of the currently open profile.
    Make any preferred changes, then:
    1. Choose "Save" to save changes to the currently open profile.
    2. Choose "Save as": input a new profile name in the edit field, then go back and activate the "Save as" button to save current settings into a new profile.
    3. "Reset" to restore the current profile to default settings.
    4. "Delete" to remove the currently opened profile. It won't allow you to remove it if there's only one profile left.

Our Sincere Thanks To:

  • The Overbrook-Nippon Network on Educational Technology (ON-NET): to provide the very important initial funding support to start the development of Sao Mai Braille, in which music Braille translation feature was one of its main features. The funding for music Braille work supported from ON-NET was in project year 2019.
  • The DAISY Music Braille project: for their funding support to improve and develop many more new music Braille transcription features, as well as for our team to contribute Braille-related features for the free open-source Musescore music notation software. The work has been started from January 2021 - June 2023.

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