Android app: Light Detector

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Light Detecter's main interface.

Dear all!

Today I’d like to introduce an Android app I think that’d very useful for us, especially totally blind user. That is the app for detecting light, light lamp turns on or off, so let’s go!

First, go to Play store, search and install the app named Freemotion Light Detector. After installing, open it. The app has the following buttons:

  • Change Detector.

  • Light Explorer.

  • Exit.

Now, double tab on Change Detector. The following options will appear:

  • Vibrator On, vibrator off (light alert by vibrating).

  • Beep on, beep off (light alert by beep sound).

After choosing the options you like, press the back button return to the app main screen. To detect light or light lamp, press the Light Explorer button. If you chose to alert by sound (beep), the beep sound will be played loudly, so you know that the lamp has been turned on. If the beep sound plays smaller, may be, the room you’re staying has light outside entered. If the beep sound plays too small, then the app found no light or light lamp. Same as beep sound, if you choose vibrate option, the vibrator will be decreased, according to the light has been detected.

When finish detecting, press the exit button to close the app.


Note: this free for Android OS only. There is the same app on iOS, but you must pay for it.

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