Training course: "Using Facebook for Online Business and Marketing", 24-25/06/2017

From 24 to 25 June 2017, a training course about "Using Facebook for Online Business and Marketing" was held at Sao Mai Center for blind people interested in making profit online. This is a part of Sao Mai's programs to advance the career opportunites for people with visual impairment.


Mr. Vinh is instructing one of the trainees
Mr. Vinh is instructing one of the trainees


Cùng hướng dẫn với anh Vinh là anh Phúc (góc trái), hỗ trợ sử dụng trình đọc màn hình và giao diện facebook
Another tutor is Mr. Phuc (left),

assisting in using screen reader and Facebook's interface

After the course, trainees achieved knowledge about neccessary tips to build a professional Facebook page for business, how to create a fanpage, add Visa information, set administration privileges, read and analyze promotion results..., which are the objectives set for the course.

About 10 people came to attend the course
About 10 people came to attend the course


The trainees learned to use Facebook's functions for online business using a screen reader
The trainees learned to use Facebook's functions for online business using a screen reader


The trainees also received 5 USD to experience those amazing functions from Facebook and learned how to determine customers' need using Maslow hierarchy of needs. The course was a success with more than 10 people attending and lots of positive reactions.


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