Sao Mai Braille User's Guide released in video format

Sao Mai Center has just completed a series of Sao Mai Braille (SMB) tutorial in video format. All these videos have been uploaded to our official YouTube channel.

The videos are created with step-by-step instructions and and a number of shortcut keys for visually impaired users. At the present time, we have published all 5 videos in Vietnamese and the first 2 videos in English. Each version is supposed to include:

Part 1: An Introduction to SMB with its main features

Part 2: Steps to Install and Register for a License Key

Part 3: How to edit and format documents before translating

Part 4: Steps to translate and print a Braille document

Part 5: SMB Options

Part 6: Inserting Pictures & Equations…

So, beside the user guide in text format, now SMB users can take a look at the video tutorials to get the audio-visual explanation. With aims to meet different user's needs, we hope to create products with high level of accessibility. However, for these very first videos, there may be some errors and shortcomings that we haven't spotted. We are looking forward to your feedback to help improve the materials and SMB's features.

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