Warm greetings from Orlando, Florida!

Phuc making presentation with the group of other country coordinators in Orlando

I am currently attending the WBU-ICEVI joint conference from the 21st to 26th and had two presentations, 1) The Nippon Foundation Higher Education Program (on the 22nd) and 2) User perspectives on technology in higher education (on the 23rd).

The first one I joined with the group of country coordinators for the ICEVI-Nippon Higher Education Project (fromCambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines and Vietnam). My topic is to talk about the employment opportunities for the blind students after graduation from the college/university. While the second presentation, I shared with audiences about the use of technology in higher education by the visually impaired students.

I have attached my two presentations on this article below for your reference. You can learn more about the conference at wbu-icevi2016.org/, or you can visit World Blind Union or the International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment website for their associated updates.





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